Filmshop Luminaries

The following is a list of industry leaders who Filmshop has recognized with intimate in-person and virtual events centered around the craft and progress of independent film. We begin with a retrospective of each Filmshop Luminary Awardee’s career, followed by in-depth project-specific guidance to curated Filmshop artists. We are deeply grateful to each and every one of these incredible champions of free-thinking creative expression.

(alphabetical order)

Jon Alpert

Scott Anger

Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo

Suzan Beraza

Hillary Bettis

Matteo Borghese

Peter Broderick

Jim Browne

Erin Casper

Marshall Curry

Alex Cuthbertson

Alan d'Escragnolle

Randall Dottin

Nolan Gallagher

Josh Fox

Thom Jennings

Shalini Kantayya

Wendy Levy

Christie Marchese

Marisa Miller-Wolfson

Brian Newman

Rockne S. O’Bannon

Madeleine Olnek

Thom Powers

Mike Rabehl

Jon Reiss

Matt Rivera

Nancy Southgate

Aurin Squire

Jay Arthur Sterrenberg

Lynette Wallworth

Marc Webb

Beau Willimon